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Ensuring Stability in the Sahel Region with special emphasis on the resolution of the Sahel Islamist Insurgency

The Sahel region has a long history of instability and extremist activity. Countries like Mali and Burkina Faso have seen countless coups, perpetrated by unaccountable military generals. While instability has led to Western humanitarian intervention in the region, they have been unable to completely eradicate Islamist Jihadi organizations. This is because of their deep-rooted nature in this region and because of the heavy anti-West sentiment that they mobilize for recruitment. Their presence has created weak governments that have led other actors like Russia to also step in, making the future of the region even more precarious.


Avni Chadha

Chairperson, UNSC

I am Avni Chadha and I am immensely looking forward to serving as the Chairperson for the United Nations Security Council. I am a 12th grader who is a passionate debater, not just in MUNs, but also in parliamentary and turncoat debates. I often travel the world for various international debates as I am a member of the Indian debating team. I am head over heels for Taylor Swift, and can mostly be seen listening to her songs while enjoying a can of Coke in my free time.​

This year, the UNSC will tackle the ongoing conflict in the Sahel region. As the committee with the most powerful mandate in the UN, it is our responsibility to ensure a long-term sustainable solution to the conflict in the Sahel region. We must ensure that we bridge the political and ethnic divide that plagues the region and move forward to an economically prosperous future. In this objective, we must be cognizant of the complexity of the issue and the unique role of international actors.

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